2018-19 Team Rosters

1: Canucks
Bob McHardy
Brandon Jones
Derek Marciano
Eric Webster
Jordan Rothfuchs
JP Labardo
Larry Richardson
Lukas Richardson
Michael Andrews
Mike D (C)
Mike Desario
Shane DeLaronde
Victor Ranieri
Scott Irvine (G)

2: Blades
Bogdan Rapan
Brandon Scott
Colin Fyffe (C)
Dan Maggio
Daniel Hamlett
Darren Jones
Jason Clark
John Hutchinson
Jon Gingerich
Kevin Christie
Kevin Wigner
Sean Doner
Trevor Cation
Phil Bogner (G)

3: Ice Hogs
Adam Minatel
Austin Brown
Brad Wigner
Brandon Sinclair
Brian Dunn
Cam Coulter
Graham Bryson
Greg Keenan
James Kennedy
Joe Doan
Justin de Abaitua
Marc de Abaitua (C)
Matt Moss
Court Edeburn (G)

4: Moose
Alex White
Anthony Rockett
Chuck Hughes
Craig Shaw (C)
Dale Deleonardis
Dan Shaw
Gary Morris
James Sheridan
Mitch Merante
Randy Isenberg
Rob Thibeault
Shaun Heron
Steve Whitten
Matt Pacella (G)

5: Crush
Alex Schittenhelm
Brett Appio
Cory Schittenhelm
Darren Levy
David DiMeo
Eamon Harper
Eric Cirone
Fab Iafano
Kyle Bagg
Ryan Smith (C)
Scott Cantelon
Sean Mazurkiewicz
Steve Hutchins
Alex Nordheimer (G)

6: Brewers
Brent Spagnol (C)
Dave Matheson
Howard Cantelon
Jody Spagnol
Joe Villari
John McNamara
Kevin Bowen
Mike Andreoli
Mike Blackwood
Mike Ferguson
Shane Gordon
Steve Nicoloff
Tim Vokey
Grant MacEwen (G)

7: Fire
Brad Sztorc
Brady Simpson
Daryll Simpson (C)
Dave Gardilcic
David Payne
Ethan Robert
Greg Fuller
Mark Bauldry
Mike Weeda
Scott Drouillard
Shane Ainsley
Shawn Simpson
Tyler Whitten
Rick DiPassio (G)

8: Stars
David Illijasic
Ed Lewis
Jay Beech
Jesse Thompson
Kevin Norris
Lee Maunu
Lee Noseworthy
Mark Andreoli
Matt Dowdle (C)
Michael Horsley
Spencer Gonchar
Steve Conforti
Steven Brown
Craig Piotto (G)

2018 Faceoff to Fight Cervical Cancer

We Are Creative Inc. and Sports Marketing All Stars are excited to announce that they’re back for another fun night of double-header hockey action for the Bolton community, while we raise money and awareness for cervical cancer!

The evening kicks off at 6:30pm with the Sunday Night Hockey League’s championship game – the Callaghan Cup. Then the GIRLS of the CWHL‘s Markham Thunder return to take on the GUYS of the SNHL in the FACEOFF to Fight Cervical Cancer. This will be the finale of the 3 game series, with each team having a win.

Continue reading “2018 Faceoff to Fight Cervical Cancer”

2018 Callaghan Cup Playoffs: Week 1-4

Week 1: February 11, 2018

Ken’s Lawnmower Repair Blades 2
St. Louis Bar & Grill Wings 2

Game one of the round robin action saw neither team able to best the other, but Ken’s Lawnmower Repair Blades came out with 3 points on the 5 point system over the St. Louis Bar & Grill Wings. Blades bin bulgers were Daryll Simpson (unassisted), and Kevin Wigner from Simpson. Wings whipper was Victor Ranieri with both, helped by Derek Cleary & Larry Richardson. Continue reading “2018 Callaghan Cup Playoffs: Week 1-4”

Week 17: 2017-18

Glen Eagle Golf Club Griffins 4
Caledon Hills Brewing Co. 3

The Glen Eagle Golf Club Griffins were able to skate to the win over the Caledon Hills Brewing Co. Griffin goal getters were Ron Toffan from Matt Dowdle & Cory Schittenhelm, Brendan Pace from Richard Archer & Toffan, Lee Maunu from Dowdle & Toffan, and Kevin Norris from Alex Schittenhelm & Ryan Wood. Brewer’s lamp lighters were Jay Beech from Kevin Bowen & Brent Spagnol, Bob McHardy from Beech & Steve Nicoloff, and Beech (unassisted). Continue reading “Week 17: 2017-18”

A member of the SNHL family need our help…

Many of you will know Jamie Drysdale – long-time goalie in the Sunday Night Hockey League. This year you may have noticed Jamie has taken on the role of Timekeeper for our league.

Jamie’s daughter Emily needs our help. Emily was diagnosed with subglottic stenosis – a rare disease with an unknown cause. Tissue builds up in her airway, causing it to close in on itself. The best way to describe it, is trying to breathe through a coffee stir stick, while plugging your nose. Surgery is a temporary fix and only last a few months before her airway begins to close in again. She has had 9 airway surgeries in the past 3 years. The surgery only opens her airway to about 60-70% and it starts slowly closing up again about 2-3 months post-surgery. This makes it difficult for Emily to do the things many of us take for granted every day, like walking up a flight of stairs. Continue reading “A member of the SNHL family need our help…”

Week 16: 2017-18

Mr. Handyman Ice Hogs 3
Ainsley Fire Protection 1

The first game of the new year had the Mr. Handyman Ice Hogs get a narrow margin victory over the Ainsley Fire Protection.  Handyman hammers were dropped by Brad Sztorc from Marc de Abaitua & Greg Keenan, M. de Abaitua from Justin de Abaitua & Eric Cirone, and M. de Abaitua from J. de Abaitua. Fires lone flame was David DiMeo from Brad Wigner. Continue reading “Week 16: 2017-18”

Week 15: 2017-18

This was the week the glass broke, so 2 of our games were cancelled and the other 2 games have been recorded as exhibition games. We will just eliminate this week from our standings. The Town will be issuing the league a refund for the lost games.  Two of the teams have decided to donate their portion of the refund to Jamie’s daughter’s fundraiser – thanks guys!

Week 14: 2017-18

Mr. Handyman Ice Hogs 3
St. Louis Bar & Grill Wings  3
The 1st match saw neither the St. Louis Bar & Grill Wings nor the Mr. Handyman Ice Hogs able to best the other. Handyman heroes were Steve Pinarello from Adam Minatel & Greg Keenan, Minatel (unassisted), and Brad Sztorc from Marc de Abaitua. Wings warriors were Eric Webster from Mike DeFrancesco, Victor Ranieri from Mike Weeda, and Ranieri from Rob Thibeault. Continue reading “Week 14: 2017-18”